To many mums, Rachael McLaren is a magician… at least it would seem that way! Not only is she a full time solicitor, but she simultaneously raises seven boisterous young children.

Rachael with photos of her seven children

She seems to make getting the kids off to school with their lunches everyday look like a breeze.

“The trick is in the organisation and orchestration,” she says. “They all have a time and a place for everything. If they didn’t put their shoes in the same place every night I’d have little chance of knowing whose was whose. Having said that, kids will be kids, so we do regularly have a few missing items.

It is really the logistics that are the most challenging, like getting each of them and us off to soccer in the season, because we all play on different teams at different times and often in different locations.”

What part does the Village Jewellers play in your life?

“The Village Jewellers is symbolic of our family’s relationship together.”

“My husband bought my engagement ring there 16 years ago, and we’ve bought everything there since. It seems that whenever something significant happens in our lives, we are back at Tony’s store for a commemorative piece.”

“One of the things I love about the store is the friendly family atmosphere. I’ve got seven kids and Tony always asks about how they are going. He really takes a genuine interest in our family and that is unique.

We discuss schools and soccer and whenever I go to the store, it is like a long conversation that just seems to pick up where we left off months or years before.”

Imagine how hard it must be to remember all your customers? And then imagine what an achievement it is to remember all their children? This is especially impressive if some of your customers have a lot of children!

“When we have anything significant to talk about, I find we’ll tend to pop into the jewellers and talk with Tony. He always goes to a lot of effort to explain exactly what you get for your money and he’s not just flogging stuff. It’s not all about the sale with them.”

“Literally their number is on my mobile.”